Monday, January 5, 2015

Reflection on Another New Year

So I finally have a day to just stop!  I am not working either job today.  Right now at this moment, I am alone in the house with the cats enjoying the silence.  I have not had much time to do this lately. Working two jobs is not easy. I am very grateful to have work after not having had it for a long while. I am grateful that right now the two are working together pretty well.  Yet working this much does not leave a great deal of time for silence or reflection.

I am grateful today for sleeping in, a late yummy brunch and this precious time alone in the silence.  I am looking forward to cooking dinner for my family and then an evening of television.  I am spending some time thinking about what I hope 2015 will bring for me and my family.

First I am hoping to find one full-time job with benefits that really fits my skills and abilities! I would love to be working for a university or college doing interfaith work or service learning.  I would love to work in the field of interfaith dialogue and cooperation.  I want to use my teaching, facilitation and writing skills. I love working with people and I would love to be part of an organization again. I want to be part of a team.  Want to help and want to know more about my experience - check out my portfolio page and my resume.

Secondly while the Outer Banks is beautiful, I long to be back in a city.  Our whole family loves Richmond, VA and that is our first choice.  It would give us a historic, capital city to live in that holds a wonderful art museum, amazing historical sites to explore and a science museum. I am sure there is even more to discover and explore.  Plus great places to eat and it is affordable to live there.

For my family I want Donna to get the health care she needs including medicines and health care providers that listen to her and pay attention.  I want her to be able to have more good days, more time to focus on homeschooling, spiritual direction and her own writing.  For Mollie I want her to have as many opportunities as possible for learning and exploration. She wants to intern and babysit more. She also wants to play volleyball and continue horseback riding.  I want her to know that we are settled and not going anywhere so she can put down roots even as she explores this big world.

I am holding onto hope that this year will be a good one, with opportunity and transition. I know it all won't be easy - after all we will have to move again!  Yet we are starting the year with hope, two new fun four-pawed family members and the fact that I am working.  I worked on New Year's Day this year and I hope that is an omen of good things to come!

What are you hoping for in this new year of 2015?

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