Well it looks like I managed to miss the entire month of October blogging. It has been a crazy fall with too little time for rest and re-creation. Hopefully I can now begin again.
I am having a bit of a rough Sabbath day today. Not because I follow this strict set of rules and find myself rebelling against them. Rather sometimes when I stop and have some time to think and to feel, it isn't all sweetness and light. In fact today it has just felt rather.....yucky.
I think much of my own, and by extension our culture's, avoidance of Sabbath, comes because I and we know we might have to face ourselves. I might have to feel what I have been avoiding feeling. I know, however, that the feelings don't go away just because I refuse to acknowlege them. In fact in my experience, they just get bigger and more intense.
So what to do with a hard Sabbath? I am working on feeling what i am feeling, yet not letting spin out of control. I need to not make decisions out of this place. I am remembering that this too shall pass.
I am remembering that I am not alone.
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